At the International Off-Road & UTV Expo, we interviewed Mark ‘Sarge’ Schleipfer from MTX about their new stereo systems for the Off-Road industry.
Interviewer: Scott Rein
Interviewee: Mark ‘Sarge’ Schleipfer
Filmed: September 24th, 2016
Steve: Louder.
We’re the MTX booth. Everywhere you go in the country, there’s that one person that stands out from the crowd. No one knows his real name, but we know your name is being Sarge, from MTX. Another one of those guys that has way too much fun doing what he does.
Sarge: Is this an episode of America’s Most Wanted? I’m just checking.
Steve: I didn’t hear a word you said, the music’s been too loud lately. Talk about it, some MTX stuff for us, man.
Sarge: MTX, of course, based here in Phoenix, Arizona. Lots of audio products for your SUVs, trucks, cars, boats, motorcycles, but the one thing that we’re showcasing is SUV audio. I mean, we have a ton of stuff for your SUV, whether it’s a Polaris, Can Am, Arctic Cat, Yamaha, Kawasaki, the list goes on. We’re manufacturing products for all sorts of UTVs that will fit into any type of application that you might have.
Steve: I’m looking at speakers all over the place. You got two in the door. Looks like a half dozen behind us. Got a little unit here, in front of us. Talk about what this unit, right here, has.
Sarge: Of course, this unit is a completely customized unit. You’re actually sitting on four 10 inch woofers. We’ve got four 10’s –
Steve: That explains everything.
Sarge: That explains … You were smiling. I knew you liked it. We’re sitting on four 10 inch woofers underneath here. We’ve got four 6 1/2’s in the door panels themselves. We have a set of the mud speaker pods in the back, 6 1/2’s. We’ve got four of those, two pair total. Then our mud amplifier, we have a total of eight of those running the complete system. All this stuff is completely weather resistant, water-proof, hose it off with a garden hose, sling some mud on it. It is built and designed for performance, quality, and durability.
Steve: In other words, if you went tear past a Kid Rock stage with this thing, he’d have to turn his stuff down on stage to hear this.
Sarge: Well, yeah, I like to think so. Plus we’d be having, probably, a little bit more fun than he is.
Steve: A whole lot.
Sarge: Lot of fun.
Steve: Where can people go to check out some more MTX products?
Sarge: Here at the show, of course. Every year, when the show comes out, you got to check it out. If you go to you can check out all of the products we have to offer there. Depending on where you live, we have a dealer locator. You can check it out to see where the nearest retailer is to where you live.
Steve: As we head on down the road, can you pick out something nice and smooth for us?
Crank it up.
Oh yeah, I’m feeling those subs now.
Thanks, Sarge.
Sarge: Thanks, Steve.